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The Four Categories of Electromagnetic Pollution

There are four categories of electromagnetic radiation that are called electro-pollution, or electrosmog. They rarely exist one at a time, but each device will have one predominant characteristic that is most important in an EMF safety analysis. These types of electrosmog can be measured individually, even if they occur together. The four phenomena that Building Biologist EMR specialists analyze are Electric Fields, Magnetic Fields, Radio Frequency Fields and Dirty Electricity, or Microsurge Electrical Pollution. Click on the images below to learn more about each one.






Dirty Electricity

How the Experts Evaluate Electromagnetic Pollution

The International Institute for Building Biology and Ecology created an eight part video introduction to the science of building biology several years ago.  This is part 2, on the basics of measuring electromagnetic fields. It gives people new to this area of science a look "behind the scenes" to see how usable measurements at sites under investigation are produced for comparison to established standards.

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