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Some information from experts at the top of their profession.

The remaining information on this page provides a quick overview of the critical damage being done to populations all over the world by their exploding exposure to multiple frequencies of electromagnetic radiation. The US "standard" is based on heating of your flesh during a 30 minute exposure, and is10,000 times higher then The Bio-initiative Report recommendation for long term exposure!

This chart from includes real world peak measurements for many different wireless radiation sources people use every day. And then shows the studies that found biological harm at similar levels. This chart uses micro-watts per meter squared, which is the standard unit for measurements reported by the International Building Biology Institute.


One thing many of these diseases with exploding occurrence have in common is that they are not caused by a supposed virus, or even a germ, especially the one's growing the fastest. Chronic Fatigue grew 110 times as cell phones became ubiquitous.  Youths with bipolar disorder in 2015 were 108 for every 1 kid in 1990. 77 to 1 increase in Fibromyalgia!  Autism up by a factor of 21 times. Can there be other causes? Yes. But science is detecting correlation at the biological level between these diseases and exposure to the full range of electromagnetic radiation from ELF, WiFi, cell phones, and microsurge electrical pollution. Chronic fatigue has been solidly identified as a common biological effect of such radiation exposure.

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