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Bruce Weber


National Commercial Building Contractor

Electromagnetic Radiation Specialist

Bruce has had a number of diverse careers to arrive at his position today. He obtained a Mechanical Engineering Degree, including courses in Electrical Engineering and post graduate level work in Instruments and Measurements. He was hired by General Electric and trained in power generation, the design and fabrication of GE gas and steam turbine driven generator equipment, and also construction management of electrical power generation plants.


As a Field Engineer, he helped direct the construction of Electric Power Plants. In his second year with the company he was promoted to an exclusive position located in Dallas, Texas, individually representing GE as a specialist analyzing the condition of GE customers’ massive industrial gas turbines using fiber optic technology and photography.


After a near-death experience on the job, he decided to change directions, moved to California, and worked in several positions in the Semiconductor Industry, including Failure Analysis Engineer and Senior Quality and Reliability Engineer, operating equipment that included an Electron Microscope with EDAX (Energy Dispersive Analysis by X Ray)


It was during this time that, as a healthy, happily married young man, he ended up in the emergency room with serious heart palpitations, thinking he was going to have a heart attack. When the doctor came in the first thing he said was, "Why is a healthy young guy like you in here with a complaint like this?" Many years later, new knowledge explained the reason.  The equipment he was around all day produced very large electromagnetic fields in a wide range of frequencies. And his office, at one end of the manufacturing plant, shared a wall with the power supply and distribution room for the entire facility! His body was being attacked every day by multiple invisible assailants! Doctors are never taught to even consider such possibilities!


Soon a new opportunity presented itself and he became a founder and VP of Engineering and Manufacturing in a Silicon Valley company designing and building test and measurement equipment for High Voltage electric fields. He developed and put into production four different test and measurement units in three years, and wrote their operating manuals. Customers included Silicon Valley integrated circuit manufacturers and Government Agencies. At that time he also represented his company as a consultant helping manufacturers of electronic equipment analyze and mitigate sources of product damaging electric fields in their production and storage environments.


The company was sold in the fourth year, and more career paths formed. After a short time as a broker selling investment properties in LA County, he moved from California to North Carolina to be near family, and applied his experience and engineering skills as a Residential Contractor, designing and building cutting edge energy efficient homes in the Research Triangle Park area of North Carolina. His first projects were Passive Solar designs. Soon deciding to compete against the national builders, he became the only one-man company known to win Gold and Silver Medals in the local Parade of Homes each of the first three years in the competition. The company remained on the cutting edge with new technologies for health and energy efficiency in conventional construction for over 20 years.


During that time he also was a Broker-in-Charge, handling all of the company’s transactions personally. In 2011 he became certified as a Project Management Professional, and kept that certification active until 2020. In 2017 he spent several months to prepare for and then pass the rigorous National Commercial Building Contractor license exam.


Always maintaining an interest in technology, he became very concerned with the massive increase in the electromagnetic energy everyone is subjected to in today’s connected world, and the fact that no one really seemed aware of it! With the rapid proliferation of cell phones and cell tower transmitters, ubiquitous WiFi connectivity, smart appliances, smart meters showing up everywhere, and now the 5G cell technology roll-out -  electromagnetic radiation based technology may become a real threat to life as we know it on this planet!


In response, he started a new career as an Electromagnetic Field Safety Consultant. It builds on his engineering training, years of experience in the electric power industry, and his test and measurement equipment background.


The first step was additional training with the Building Biology Institute. Their mission is to help create Safe Havens in a Toxic, Electromagnetic World. With more than two years of education and hands on training, he became certified as a BBI  Electromagnetic Radiation Specialist (EMRS)


While his path was focused on the hazards of electromagnetic fields, the courses include substantial training  in the creation of  healthy homes that are also free of toxic indoor air and other pollutants.

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